Monday, October 16, 2006


Paul Marston Racing are once again off to the States after finishing off the end of a very busy and successful UK Drag Race season for both the Paul Marston Drag Race Driving School and Paul Marston Racing. Having attended both the Saturday Night Special and on the previous weekend Jap Show, teaching perspective new drivers thru the Driving School programme and giving some more of those infamous Drag Race Passenger Rides. Our UK season is most certainly nearly done, so Paul Marston and Gary Springford of Drag Race Engineering, one of Paul Marston’s principal sponsors are sneaking off to the States but will be back in time for our very last 06 event, the Flame and Thunder Event at Santa Pod Raceway. The purpose of this stateside trip is firstly to crew for Tony Morris and Tim Hutcherson with their BLP backed Super Comp Dragsters as they attend the last in the NHRA 2006 Division 2 series at Reynolds, Silver Dollar Raceway in Georgia. A quick trip up to Rockingham in North Carolina takes in the IHRA World Finals, then just a short 600 mile trip back to Orlando for the Fastest Streetcar Lunacy at Speed world. Paul and Gary are honoured to have been invited to crew on Larry Nadeau’s awesome Pro Modified PT Supercharged PT Cruiser at Orlando Speed worlds Fastest Streetcar Event, something both of them are very much looking forward to. Before anyone asks, No Gary has not seen the map and has no idea how far Paul has got them travelling or how much they will be doing!! All Gary knows is its too far to walk and thinks it’s going to be a break by the pool for three weeks to work on his tan. It’s a major achievement for Paul to actually get Gary on a plane, anyone who is old enough to remember the A-Team will remember BA Barakas and the immortal line `Aint Getting On No Plane Fool` Paul has assured us that just seeing the look on Gary’s face when they close the door on the plane makes the trip worthwhile and the expression on Gary’s face as the plane takes off is actual proof that Gary is indeed the offspring of Spitting Image Puppets!!! There will also be a trip up to Valdosta to take in a Nostalgia Event, this is also out of state but we don’t have to fly! As usual Paul will be on his usual parts buying mission along with checking out the latest Sportsman Racing technology. There is also the possibility that he will be competing whilst out there, so he will keep us up to date on that one whilst out there. This visit to the Land of the Brave sees more progress with an ongoing project that Paul Marston Racing have been working on for some time now. Paul will be attending various meetings whilst in the States. It is potentially one of the most exciting things that Paul Marston Racing have ever been involved in so watch this space, as soon as we have any news we will let you know. Stay tuned into EuroDragster over the next three weeks to monitor Paul Marston and Gary Springfords progress reports as they travel the Deep Southern States. Once again Paul and Gary would like to express their deepest gratitude to their families for allowing them the freedom and support required to embark on this trip, you truly are special people. They would also like to personally thank all the crew at Paul Marston Racing who work so hard throughout the season, without you guys we are nothing, absolutely nothing!

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