Thursday, January 11, 2007


Paul Marston Racing have unveiled some of their plans for the 07 season, these will include the addition of at least three more crew and possibly fielding two more Drag racecars. With their continued success of the past few seasons, PMR see the 07 season as another great year in prospect. PMR will build on the solid progress made in 06, enjoying the advantages that come from continuity of drivers and crew, consistent reliability and growing competitiveness of the Paul Marston Racing racecars. "All of this is a testament to the professionalism of the crew who do such an outstanding job, the Paul Marston Racing pit crew makes all the drivers look good, their exploits mainly go unnoticed as they make Paul Marston Racing run so smoothly, it looks effortless. But believe me we could never thank them enough". Said Paul Marston For the 07 season more Drag Racecars are looking to being entered, more classes being contested, this all means more work for the hard working Paul Marston Racing Pit Crew. There are going to be some new additions to the crew roster and a welcome return of a veteran. The 07 season sees the very welcome full time return of Mick Pusey. Mick who crewed on the Chrysler UK sponsored PT Bruiser for the 2001-2003 seasons as a joint crew chief with Steve Brennan, Mick will resume the roll of full Crew Chief of either the PT Bruiser or one of the two new yet to debut Racecars. Be that our first venture into Super Modified or Super Pro with one of the new Paul Marston Racing Drag Racecars remains to be seen. With potential sponsor negotiations still to be completed it’s a little early to announce a final decision. Mick has been no stranger during the past two seasons, with the potential addition of two more Drag Racecars it makes sense to restructure the pit crew for the 07 season. Its all part of the evolution, with strong support from Drag Race Engineering (0208 597 9484) and Gary Springford, our success continues and Paul Marston Racing grows. Paul Marston Racing also sees Gary Springfords’ Dad sign up for a full year after having joined us at the Sportsman National Finals last year. Dad was so impressed and enjoyed it so much that he has signed up again. Our last inductee is yet another avid Drag Racing Fan who approached Paul Marston Racing about the possibility of gaining some experience as pit crew and seeing our great sport of Drag Racing from another perspective. Harry will be visiting the Drag Race Engineering workshops on Saturday, it has to be said that in the past some PMR crew members have got over excited over the prospect of a new crew member to initiate. Some of the past incidents have left the victims with both physical and mental scars, not to mention other more personal physical impediments that they carry to this day. I can assure everyone who is concerned for this young lads’ safety that all precautions have been taken and the PMR crew have decided democratically to draw straws instead of the usual "Lets all have a go" attitude so at least Harry stands some kind of chance. I can also guarantee that there is no hidden tattoo gun anywhere on the premises and even if there was the only person who might actually know where it is can actually spell – this time. We do have an excellent brand new hospital that recently opened namely Queens within three miles. Most of the ambulance drivers still don’t know where it is but once Harry’s in the back he is no longer our problem! Lastly on behalf of Paul Marston Racing and everyone who knows her, all our prayers and thoughts are with fellow Paul Marston Racing crewmember Lizz Mcarthy who is currently very ill and undergoing Kemo and Radio therapy after a recent operation. Never one to complain Lizz is bravely facing this most difficult time. You are always in our thoughts Lizz – Get well soon ‘cos we need you on that startline – we couldn’t do it without you.

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