Friday, April 20, 2007


Paul Marston Racing are very proud to make a major announcement regarding longtime sponsor and business partner Drag Race Engineering. When asked about their increased commitment Gary Springford, proprietor of DRE (020 8597 9484) had this to say. ‘With the time involved with ordering the parts needed to repair the Pro Stock motor in the PT Bruiser that lost a rod at the Easter Thunderball, I knew Paul Marston was up against it time wise. It simply gonna take too long to get the parts made, most of the season will be over before I can get the motor back in one piece. I also agree with Paul that replacing the motor is a waste of time, the motor is not badly hurt enough, it’s just the ordering time and the fact that we only have a six month season over here. Drag Race Engineering was looking to raise their profile in Sportsman Drag Racing, let people know what my company can do. Paul needed a ride so DRE will be principle sponsor of the Pro Mod Vauxhall Calibra that Paul acquired over the winter from Mick Cheley. The Calibra is in the Drag Race Engineering workshops at the moment having its 555ci Chevrolet Big Block fitted and will hopefully be ready for the opening event at Shakespeare County Raceway 5-7th May. I have seen how hard Paul Marston has worked over the past couple of seasons helping other drivers, he even gave up his seat in the Whoopass Monza at the end of last season so as I had a shot at the National Pro title. I am simply repaying the favor by having my company Drag Race Engineering get this Calibra together so Paul Marston has a ride for the rest of the season in Super Pro’ When asked to comment Paul Marston had this to say ’Firstly I must thank Gary Springford for this incredibly generous deal. I am humbled and most grateful. It’s true the Pro Stock motor in the PT Bruiser is going to take time to put back together and it’s absolutely the worst timing for such a major breakage. With the Paul Marston Drag Race Driving School so busy, there was not an available ride for me. I was looking at crewing for the next 3-4 months!! The ex Pro Mod Calibra was scheduled for later during the season, a project for the Summer break, but as Gary Springford suggested, it just makes sense to bring it forward. As previously reported on Eurodragster eventually Paul Marston Racing would like to eventually compete in Super Modified with this car. This would be Paul Marston Racings first venture into heads-up racing and to have backing from an associate who brings expertise to the table, it makes for a strong foundation for a team. If all goes to plan the Calibra will appear at Shakespeare in the same paint scheme as when Mick drove it last, after the event the Calibra will be delivered straight to the painters in a race against time to have it debut at the FIA Main Event, competing in Super Pro resplendent in the specially designed Drag Race Engineering paint scheme’ Paul Marston Racing would like to express their thanks once again to Drag Race Engineering for investing in their future and seeing the potential marketing opportunity that UK National Event Drag Racing offers today.

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