Friday, June 29, 2007


The Super Modified bound Paul Marston Racing Vauxhall Calibra, backed by Drag Race Engineering was recently debuted at the FIA Main Event. At the Main Event the chassis tag needed to be re-certified as Super Modified legal, the Calibra had not run for a few seasons and there had been updates chassis wise in the rulebook, it was a small concern, but Hauser Race Cars build a good product with an eye on the future, the chassis was perfect. The PMR Calibra is presently back in the Drag Race Engineering (020 8597 4575) workshop, being prepped for its debut in Super Modified competition. As most people know the Super Modified Category has been with us for some time now, it’s a heads up Doorslammer Class. Fastest racecar wins with a reasonably simple set of rules which are supposed to be designed to allow nitrous and naturally aspirated entries to compete on a level playing field. The Drag Race Engineering/ CTM backed Vauxhall Calibra of Paul Marston Racing has already been scaled (Weighed) at DRE and meets the weight criteria of Super Modified very well. Next step is the inspection of the motor by the Tech team, its tagging and sealing as Super Modified legal, they need to verify the cubic inch of the motor as it directly relates to what the PMR Vauxhall Calibra should weigh, valve size and port height also needs to be checked. It’s a race against time to have all this done; it’s a very busy time of year for Super Modified Tech inspectors Geoff Martin and Mark Norton as they are also the MSA Chassis inspectors for the whole of Drag Racing. They are doing their level best to fit us in before Bug Jam, its going to be a major setback to Paul Marston Racing if we have to take the motor to Santa Pod in pieces. It will be a totally untried combination, we would at least want to have fired the motor up at DRE prior to setting off to what will be a hard weekends racing, with an extremely steep learning curve for everyone at Paul Marston Racing. Paul Marston Racing is under no illusion when it comes to Bug Jam and Super Modified. Principal Crewman Sefton Whitlock explains ‘All Paul Marston Racing can realistically look to achieve at Bug Jam is qualifying and making first round, if we do that I will be happy. Having personally raced bikes heads up, I know it’s a different level of commitment. That said, I feel we are ready for this kind of challenge. It will be tough, Super Modified is an established class with some very professional teams, and I have not seen any real weaknesses in the top drivers, which is only right and proper. The Drag Race Engineering Calibra is running the naturally aspirated option; I know Gary Springford and Paul Marston have been working with CTM and their contacts in the States regarding the motor. That said, in my opinion there needs to be some pretty reasonable and fair rule changes made for the 08 season to level the playing field and for us to remain in the class. Because at the moment the naturally aspirated option is just not competitive, in six years of competition a naturally aspirated Super Modified has never won anything. Paul Marston Racing would like to attempt to change that statistic, it won’t happen this year, some serious rule changes are needed before that could ever happen’ When asked about the motor development Paul Marston had this to say ‘The power plant that Paul Marston Racing have selected for our Drag Race Engineering backed Vauxhall Calibra is based on a Pro Series Scott Shafiroff 555ci Big Block Chevy, although the heads came fully ported they will be sent down to CTM so as under Charlie’s direction the valve seats can be re cut as he wants them and the heads checked over. There is only so much that you can get from a 40+ year old conventional factory head design, rulebook porting limitations and a limited engine size, but Paul Marston Racing will be doing their level best to close the gap between ourselves and Nigel Payne, the top naturally aspirated Super Modified competitor. That’s a realistic goal. As to chasing the nitrous cars forget it! Nigel and his team have put a tremendous effort into the development of their motor, again a 555ci Big Block Chevy and have run regularly in the 7.90 to 8.0 range with a PB in the high 7.80’s, it really is a fantastic achievement. But despite all Nigel and his teams hard work and their pioneering spirit, the Sticky Situation Super Modified Naturally Aspirated 1953 Corvette still trails the Nitrous Super Modified entries by on average 3/10ths.’ So if you are at Bug Jam stop by to see if we made it and say hi, its going to be a great weekends racing, the weather is pre booked too! It goes without saying that Paul Marston Racing Drag Race Driving School owe a huge debt of thanks to a lot of people to have gotten this far. It is our first venture into heads-up competition, none of this would be possible without the support of an absolutely first class crew and drivers, they are as professional and dedicated as you could ever want. Santa Pod Raceway for their faith and belief in us, their support has been our cornerstone, our business partners and sponsors. Gary Springford’s Drag Race Engineering, CTM Performance and Machine, Chrysler UK, ChryslerCard, MAC Tools, London Road Tyres, Black Box London, Disco Equipment Hire, Custom Car, American Car World, Tony Morris at BLP, JW Transmissions, all our American NHRA Div 2 friends and all the others, you know who you are. The UK National Championship Drag Race Teams who have made Paul Marston Racing Drag Race Driving School feel so welcome and respect what we do and why we do it. Last but by no means least Eurodragster you are irreplaceable.

1 comment:

freespiritracing said...

Do you know Bill Port of Sandusky and Lorain circle tracks? This is his daughter, Kathy. If so please contact me at this email address
I have the last engine he built up for sale.