Thursday, September 20, 2007


Paul Marston Racing have been in touch regarding the 2008 Super Modified season and the rule changes on the table currently being considered for the Naturally Aspirated Super Modified option. Paul had this to say ‘The Super Modified Association has over the past years heard plenty of Drivers and Teams say that they would run the Naturally Aspirated option in Super Modified if there was a little more of a concession made to this and a bigger weight break for an automatic transmission, which to be fair is the most common combo currently used in Sportsman Drag Racing Classes. Paul Marston Racing would like to hear from any and every team that would consider running Naturally Aspirated Automatic or Lenco in the 2008 Super Modified series that does not currently compete. The rule changes being looked at are the first revision to the rule book for three years and will be seriously considered at the Super Modified AGM, which will be held within weeks. The SUMO AGM will be held earlier than usual to allow the maximum time for teams to take advantage of these new weight breaks. I do emphasize that the proposed new rules are designed specifically to allow Naturally Aspirated Automatic competitors to become potentially more on par with the nitrous cars. This is no easy ticket, even with full implementation of the proposed changes you will not be instantly competitive with the Nitrous, Lenco teams that currently dominate SUMO. You will have to develop, just the same as the nitrous teams have. Ideally we need 4-6 new teams to all learn off of one another in the same way as the Nitrous, Lenco, combos have. It will take time but this is a real opportunity, if you have been considering, then this is the time to decide. Remember Super Modified also ran rounds at two non National Events, Big Bang and Bug Jam during 07. If there is enough interest in this exciting new development then Paul Marston Racing will hold an informal meeting of perspective new teams to answer any questions and gauge support for 08. Please contact Paul Marston on 07831 650230 or e-mail on immediately or sooner, the meeting will be held before or at the National Finals, your cooperation would be appreciated.

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